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Week 14- Final user testing's conclusions

Updated: Jun 5, 2022

This week we have focused in the production of a prototype that includes most of the functionality we designate for the device. We connected a LED bulb and a push button. The user can press the button and after about two seconds the LED bulb lights in a wave form (in red color). The goal is to simulate a recording time, which begins two seconds after the button is pressed by the user.

In the coming week, we plan to add the recording option through the device. The recording will be converted to text and the text will be sent to an external task management application.

After we finished assembling the current prototype, we went out to test it with real users.

The users' conclusions are:

- Pressing time of 2 seconds is too long.

- The device is not completely intuitive.

- It was stated that the place of use will be in the car or before bed, that is, where there are no people around me and there is no computer in front of me where I can enter tasks.

We feel we must "break down" the users comments in order to fully understand how to enhance the experience, as well as to understand whether we are indeed "hitting the target". In addition, we think that the use of the device may be in a place where there are other people, but not close to them.

Watch the video to feel it... see you next week!

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